
© 2020 Sunderlands, A Samsara Surface Entity. All Rights Reserved
Covid – 19 has swept across the world, highlighting the need for hygiene & cleanliness more than ever. Preventing the spread of infection starts at the surface. You’ve probably heard of an increasingly popular material called solid surface, which is becoming a design standard among designers and architects for intensive use and hygienic environments beyond just countertops. Exceeding commercial healthcare standards, Evermoin® surfaces are specifically designed for environments requiring exceptionally-clean conditions – healthcare facilities, retail establishments, and hightraffic office environments. For unspecified individuals at showroom, theatre and gallery, Evermoin® will always ensure a safe and comfortable environment.
Non-toxic Evermoin® surfaces can be installed in almost any interior space, from countertops, tabletops, bathrooms, and wall cladding, to furniture casework and office workstations. Evermoin® is designed to meet the growing need for technologies that provide and maintain a cleaner, healthier environment. A seamless adhesive installation process eliminates gaps and crevices where pathogens could propagate – providing an extra level of hygiene.
Evermoin® is an ultra-hygienic material which is applicable to almost any sanitary spaces where safety is the first priority such as hospital and laboratory. Evermoin® contains ultra-hygienic agent in it to prevent microbial growth, not supporting the growth of bacteria, mold or fungus, which makes it highly suitable for healthcare settings like hospitals, doctors’ offices and retirement homes. This also makes it desirable for commercial kitchens and bathrooms, which commonly come in contact with germs, and it goes without saying that these qualities are also great for household kitchens and baths.
With at least a basic understanding of the material, its properties, fabrication techniques and popular uses, it begins to be easily seen why the solid surface is highly suitable and growing in usage for healthcare, commercial kitchens and other places that can be potentially risky in terms of prevention of exposure to harmful, illness-causing agents and must be able to stand up against heavy use. Evermoin® is safe and harmless to human and environment with exceedingly reliable performance. As the most recent ultra-hygienic material, it is especially suited for medical and office facilities with a high inflow of mass population.
Staron has completely redefined the concept, design and application of acrylic solid surface – including what it can do, how it performs and how it can improve healthcare environments both visually and hygienically. Acrylic Solid surface is not just for countertops anymore – it’s now the perfect choice for just about any surface in a healthcare setting. Durable and ultra-hygienic, Staron ushers in a whole new world of solid surface application with an extensive selection of colors, designs and patterns –plus the capability to thermo-form and install without visible, seams, gaps or joints.
Evermoin® can get installed anywhere, ensuring clean and safe everyday life. It is excellent ultra-hygienic retention and confirms quality stability and durability. Evermoin® protects people and the environment in a reliably way. Evermoin® remains fresh and pristine in its look and value without extra care. In this world where safety is in the highest demand, Evermoin® is the best option for a guaranteed hygienic space.
Ultra-hygienic Evermoin® surfaces from Staron® are now available at Sunderlands. We at ‘Sunderlands’ are your ‘One Stop Point’ to specify, stock, select & distribute exclusive handpicked selections across all surface materials. Visit Sunderlands showroom to get the most out of latest and innovative range of solid surfaces.
© 2020 Sunderlands, A Samsara Surface Entity. All Rights Reserved